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Home > Tips and Facts > 10 Rules for Good Casting > Rule 2

Rule 2. Avoid Liquid Front Damage

This is the requirement that the liquid metal front (the meniscus) should not go too fast. Maximum meniscus velocity is about 0.5 m/s. (This maximum velocity may be raised to 1 m/s in sections only a few mm thick.) However, surface turbulence damage can be avoided even at higher speeds if the casting filling system is sufficiently narrow to constrain the meniscus, not allowing room for splashing or droplet formation.

The scematics below show the effect of increasing height on a falling stream of liquid, illustrating: (a) the oxide film remaining intact; (b) the oxide film being detached and accumulating to form a dross ring; (c) the oxide film and air being entrained in the bulk melt.

Illustration of effect of increasing height on a falling stream of liquid

The schematic view of a splash of molten aluminum shows the formation of a folded (double) film that might consist of thick old film, or new thin film, or both, all likely to occlude air in the folds.

Illustration of a splash of molten aluminum

Next: Rule 3. Avoid Arrest of the Liquid Front >>
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Atlas Foundry Company, Inc.
601 N. Henderson Avenue
Marion, IN 46952-3348
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Call Atlas Foundry today at 765-662-2525 for Gray Iron Casting Services
10 Rules for Good Casting
  1. Provide a Good Quality Melt
  2. Avoid Liquid Front Damage
  3. Avoid Arrest of the Liquid Front
  4. Avoid Bubble Damage
  5. Avoid Core Blows
  6. Avoid Shrinkage Damage
  7. Avoid Convection Damage
  8. Plan Segregation Distribution
  9. Control Residual Stress
  10. Provide Location Points

Article by John Campbell
University of Birmingham
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Reprinted with permission