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Gray Iron Casting Production Services
Atlas Foundry provides its customers with a variety of production services that help ensure the quality of the Gray Iron Castings we produce. Click on an item in the bulleted list below to be moved to a specific area of interest.
Production Capabilities
Casting Classes and Weight Range
Atlas Foundry produces Gray Iron Class 25, 30, & 35 casting ranging in weight from 1/2 to 50 lbs. using our Disamatic automatic molding machines.
Pattern Box Maximum Dimensions
Our foundry can produce Gray Iron Castings with approximate maximim dimensions of 17 X 25 inches.
Volume Range
Gray Iron Castings are usually produced in production runs ranging from 100-1,000,000 parts. Lower volume runs can be produced but a separate set-up charge will be applied.
Internal Testing
Atlas Foundry employees conduct quality control tests from the start of the production process to the completion of the casting process.
Sand Lab
Before we use green sand for mold development, we test it in our sand lab for strength characteristics and compactability from the start.
Metals Lab
We conduct a variety of tests in our Metals lab during production and the testing results are then reported to our Gray Iron Casting customers.
Metals lab testing services we provide include:
- Evaluating the molecular structure of a casting section using a Unitron MEC 8484 stereomicroscope.
- Evaluating the thickness of casting walls by measuring and verifying the thickness using a Kraut-Kramer DML-4 ultrasonic thickness gauge.
- Verifying the tensile strength of the casting using a Detroit tensile strength test machine to perform mechanical performance tests.
- Verify the chemical composition of the casting using spectrometer.
Shop Floor
Atlas Foundry personnel conduct a number of tests on the shop floor during production and the testing results are then reported to our Gray Iron casting customers.
Shop floor testing services include:
- Hardness testing using a Tinius Olsen Brinell variable load hardness test machine,
- Pyrometric testing using an Ircon optical pyrometer located at the Disamatic molding machine to measure and verify the temperature of the molten Gray Iron being cast, and
- Mold hardness testing using a Dietert Mold hardness tester to ensure the molds have hardened enough to accept the molten Gray Iron and not deform.
If you would more information about Atlas Foundry Company and the Gray Iron Casting and other services we provide, please call us at (765) 662-2525, fill out our Information Request Form , or email Sales.
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Atlas Foundry Company, Inc.
601 N. Henderson Avenue
Marion, IN 46952-3348
Telephone: (765) 662-2525 • Fax: (765) 662-2902
Email: Atlas Foundry • Sales: Email Sales
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